Public Comments
More about the Justice Department cover-up of government nuclear crimes.
Dear Interested Citizen:
Citizen Action is expanding its mission from the clean up of nuclear waste sites at Sandia National Laboratories to include other areas of potential concern affecting human health and the environment.
In order to help us to gauge public interest in these issues we ask that you take a moment to fill out the brief survey below.
Thanks for your assistance.
In Solidarity,
Sue Dayton, Director
Citizen Action New Mexico
P.O. BOX 262
Sandia Park, NM 87047
(505) 262-1862
Citizen Action New Mexico is a project of the New Mexico Community Foundation. All contributions to Citizen Action are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowable by law.
The "Get to Know Sandia" Survey
Please check your sepecific issues of concern (Feel free to check more than one!).