Citizen Action Kirtland Jet Fuel Spill  03.16.2020 UPDATE

Water Authority Technical Memo from Public Records Request


NMED Records Response Summary: The NMED response to the Records request indicates that there has been no consideration given to the Water Authority Technical Memo of 1.14.2020 that is in any documents. There was no information provided as to what personnel may be reviewing coring work.  No records regarding the shutdown of or disuse of KAFB well 106233 that indicated more widespread contamination.  There are no records considering the Water Authority Technical Memo and its conclusions. There is no answer as to why the Water Authority is not posted on the NMED website. There is no record to show that the WUA  Tech Memo was presented to NMED  Secretary Kenney.  There are no records indicating any agreement or NMED personnel to consider technical data from the WUA.  The agenda for the February 25 meeting gave no agenda item expressing consideration to the concerns of the WUA Technical Memo.


Citizen Action Comment:  The NMED response indicates complete lack of consideration to the WUA concerns in its Technical Memo.  There is indifference to the WUA as a stakeholder that is responsible for protecting the water quality delivered to its several hundred thousand users. The concerns of the WUA are ignored and there may be lack of awareness of the NMED Secretary to those serious concerns. There appears to be a breakdown in oversight and stakeholder communications for the jet fuel spill. The Legislature in 2014 sought to have a scientific overview for the spill that has never been accomplished.  Citizens attempted to obtain a Remediation Advisory Board that the AF denied. 


Recommendation:  1).  Concerns of the WUA should be directly brought to the attention of the NMED Secretary by legislators and the CEO for WUA. 

2). Scientific Review for the fuel spill should be established as per the 2014 Joint House Memorial.  


Dave McCoy, J.D., Executive Director

Citizen Action New Mexico

VIEW Water Authority Technical Memo of 1.14.2020 HERE:

Water Authority Technical Memo of 1.14.2020